lifestyle & documentary photographer

The will-never-be-perfect-but-still-full-of-love family


A happy family is but an earlier heaven.

There will be a time when not everyone in this photo, will be in the next. And we secretly or openly hope that day will not come.

So at this present moment -a moment which I’d be delighted to savour every bit of its nanosecond, to take every chance I have to just encapsulate beautiful irreversible moments into pixels. Thank you Auntie Minah for making it happen!

And this will be a tale to our next great-grandchildren, a tale of what we are as a family, of what we used to be. The will-never-be-perfect-but-still-full-of-love family. Or maybe, the stories will be left untold like the long gone forgotten ancestors. Who knows. May this picture be a witness. Of what we once had as a family?

Love and still in existence,


Mabeles macam biasa gambar gambar terbaik????

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