lifestyle & documentary photographer

13, 14, 15/52


Earlier this year, me and two of my photographer friends decided to do the 52 Project. We would capture the photo of our children once a week, every week in 2014. We want to be able to capture the photo of our children as they are. We want to push ourselves to create art that mattered (for us especially). Through our children, we learn to understand ourselves. Every picture carries a different story. Each and every one with their own unique ways. It doesn’t have to be perfect. I remember what Soraya Yusuf Talismail said during one of her talks that we attended in 2012, the photos are not perfect, but those imperfection is what makes it perfect.

Through this project, I have been able to slow down and just play with my camera. Any mundane moment can turned into something beautiful. Often, I learn to experiment with lighting and different composition. I admit that sometimes you don’t always get what you want at the first attempt. But no worries, all you need to do is make yourself a cup of coffee and take it from the start. No pressure when you are doing your own personal project. No clients expectation at all. You are free to do whatever it is that you have been wanting to do. The most important part is that you are stimulating your creativity. You become better not only technically but also artistically.

Apart from that, what I really loved about doing this project is that I get to be friends with some amazing photographers who despite her 101 unfinished list-to-do and commitment to the client, her family comes first. We get to share our joy and happiness when discussing about the projects, giggled about the funny things our children do that makes us so grateful and the most important part of all, is that we are documenting our children, our life, our family. Nothing can replace that.








Dari dulu sampai sekarang saya suka melihat foto yang ‘tidak sempurna’. Pada saya ada sesuatu yang menarik2 hati saya di sebalik ketidaksempurnaan itu..

your beautiful words always melt my heart… thanks for sharing. thanks for the inspiration, xoxo

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