Sometimes all you can do is accept there’s not much you can do. And sometimes all you can control is how well you let go of control. – Lori Deschene
During this restricted movement order in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia started from 18 March to hopefully 28 April 2020, we occupied ourself with preparing our meals (during the normal days, we like to order takeout occasionally but since COVID-19, I think it’s better and plus we save more by cooking our own meal). You are as always eager to help in preparing the meals.

And also cleaning up the storage and get rid of all the unwanted items that have been taking up space. It felt really spacious and I can feel more positive energy afterwards. We also did some cleaning and gardening around our yard. We are lucky to have a small garden where we can walk barefooted and feel the breeze and watch the small birds flying around and squirrels crawling up the mango tree, looking for ripen mango. You tried to make a pool for your fishes to swim in but using the aluminium foil for the base was definitely not a good idea! It had so many holes because of the sharp rocks and water was pouring out everywhere. Although it did not work out, you had so much fun doing it!

Someone’s in need of a new haircut. Babah had a crash course hair cut lesson and later he decided that you will be his first customer!

Although it can be frustrating during this restricted movement order, I try to look at it positively. More deep thinking and focusing on things that I have control over and also connecting spiritually deeper with God proves to ease the anxiety that I had. Feeling so grateful for all the blessings I receive every day and hoping that all this will end soon.
A special shout out to all of the front liners out there, may God reward you with an abundance of pahala, you guys are the real heroes!

Artifact motherhood is a collaboration of artists/mothers from around the world. Sharing stories of the joys and struggles of our journey. Our hopes and dreams for our children. With little nuggets of wisdom here and there. These are more than photographs with dates written on the back. These are the artifact we are leaving behind for children and the generations to come.
Please follow on to read the story of Paige Rains, the next artist in our blog circle, and continue through all the artists until you get back to me!
These memories are priceless! I love the way you’re documenting this time. It honestly makes me feel less alone.
Min, so good to see you and Malaysia again. I love everything about your post. I am sending lots of love to you and your loved ones. Keep safe xx
Truly gorgeous images Min! The tones are delicious! And the food you are making looks yummy! Glad you are finding moments of joy and positivity in this uncertain time. x
Oh Min, I could look at your images all day. I just love the way you document your life. Wishing you all the best for the rest of the lockdown. xxx
The quote at the beginning is spot on for these times. I really enjoyed your words and the beautiful documentation of your life at the moment.
Your storytelling is always incredibly beautiful. I love that you’re embracing the daily positives and cultivating more time for your spirituality. so very important during these unprecedented times. Sending you and your sweet family lots of love, Min. Xxx
So glad to see you are well Min. I always adore the storytelling and the colour in your images, you truly bring out so much delicate beauty though your lens. Stay safe my friend xx
I am so happy to read about how you’re finding the positives and managing to keep anxiety we all feel at bay. Your photos are such moments to treasure in the midst of all this. Stay safe, xx
Min, your photos are always some of my favourites. They always make me feel connected to you and see the glimmer of your everyday life. I’m so glad that you are finding the positives through this difficult time and you got me thinking that I need to de-clutter too (managed to fill large bin bags of old clothes)!
I adore the daily moments and story captured here so much!