lifestyle & documentary photographer

For me


Welcome to Artefact Motherhood. This is a collaboration of artists from around the world who have come together to share our stories of the joys and struggles in our journeys. Through our writings and photographs, we want to create memories that are more than photographs with dates written on the back. These are the artefacts we are leaving behind for our children and for generations to come.

“The little things? The little moments? They aren’t little.” —Jon Kabat-Zinn

All the photos that I have taken of my family, I will keep them forever in my heart. I love them more than words can describe. Every time my heart feels weary, I will take one look at all those photographs and I know I will be fine again. Everything that ever happened in my life, there’s nothing to regret about. Good or bad, I have learned to look at them in a positive way. If it’s meant to be, it will be. Baby, just let it be.

For now, let me focus on making more wonderful memories and document it one by one. For me.

Please check out the next artist,  Lauren Webster in our blog circle at and continue through all the artists until you get back to me!


You document your family so beautifully, Min.Your son’s smile is quite contagious. I couldn’t help but smile myself as came across the picture of the two of them on the bike.

Thank you Hollie. The idea of them together on the bike was my son’s idea!

You are such a wonderful storyteller!! I can feel the love in each & every image! Beautiful!

Thank you so much Ann!

These shots are just lovely! I agree, the little things really aren’t so little.

Thanks so much April!

Cantiknya semua gambarrr. I try to take beautiful picture of my girls like you..some pic ada kt ig..check it out plzz.. Ok ke x..

Terima kasih Ummul, insyallah nanti saya tengok.

You have such a beautiful heart, my friend. I always see it in your photos and words. How true that photographs hold their value beyond the immediate moment. They are beautiful reminders to cherish the little moments. Moments that seem small at the time, but grow massively over time.

Aw Diana, thank you so much. You have such a kind heart!! Xx

Such a beautiful selection of your images. I’m always blown away but your images. x

Thank you Abigail!

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